Reasons To Exercise In The Morning

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1. More than 90% of people who exercise * always *
morning exercise. If you wish to exercise
regularly, the odds are in your favor if you're exercising
first thing in the morning.

2. When you exercise early in the morning
"Jump start" your metabolism and keeps high
for hours, sometimes up to 24 hours! This means that
you burn more calories during the day only
because you exercised in the morning!

3. When you exercise in the morning, you will be
Stimulated  for the day! Personally, I feel
radically different at the time and I
have not exercised in the morning.

4. Many people find that morning exercise
"Regulate" their appetite for the day - that
are not as hungry and that they make better food
options. Several people told me it gets
in a "healthy mindset."

5 If you exercise at the same time each
morning, and ideally wake up at about the same
time on a regular basis the body's endocrine system
system and circadian rhythms adjust to that.

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